What to Do When Hail Hits Your Solar Panels | Solar Power Pros

Learn everything you need to know about solar panels and hail storms, and find out what to do if your panels get hit! Call Solar Power Pros for solar panel repair on the Front Range.

Solar Panels & EV Charging: Everything You Need to Know

Solar Panels & EV Charging: Everything You Need to Know Electric vehicles (EVs) are taking over the world (or at least its major highways). There were more than 2.13 million EVs on the road in the US in 2021, and that number has only increased in the years since.    Even with the popularity increases… Continue reading Solar Panels & EV Charging: Everything You Need to Know

Solar Panel Pros & Cons: An Honest Breakdown

Solar Panel Pros & Cons: An Honest Breakdown Residential solar panels have a long list of benefits that make them worth the investment for most homes. But there are also some drawbacks to installing solar panels. Before you make a decision, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of solar energy. Pros of Solar… Continue reading Solar Panel Pros & Cons: An Honest Breakdown

How Solar Panels Work with Your Electric Bill

How Solar Panels Work with Your Electric Bill Electricity bill savings are the number one reason why homeowners install solar panels. But how do solar panels save you money, exactly? And do they really eliminate your electricity bills? In this guide, we explain how solar panels work with your electricity bills so you’ll know what… Continue reading How Solar Panels Work with Your Electric Bill

How Solar Panels Impact Home Value

How Solar Panels Impact Home Value Installing solar panels is good for your wallet, and it’s also good for your home’s value. According to Zillow, houses with solar panels sell for 4.1% more than comparable houses without solar panels. That means an extra $9,274 for the median home!  In this guide, we explain why solar… Continue reading How Solar Panels Impact Home Value

Solar Myths: What You Need to Know

The Top 6 Myths About Installing a Solar System on Your Home Solar Myth 1: Solar panels are too expensive The truth is that there has never been a better time to go Solar. According to Energy.Gov, it is cheaper to purchase a Solar system than from the utility company in 42 or the 50… Continue reading Solar Myths: What You Need to Know

Moving With Solar, Here is What You Need to Know

Moving With Solar, Here is What You Need to Know Buying a home is big financial decision, but what do you do when you are moving with Solar on your home? Whether you are leaving to move into your forever home, moving for a new job, or just scaling to a new home that fits… Continue reading Moving With Solar, Here is What You Need to Know

Maximize Your Solar Potential In Spring

Maximize Your Solar Potential In Spring Spring is the best time to start thinking about maximizing the potential of your solar panels. With days getting longer and weather warming up, what is the best way for you to make sure you are maximizing your solar potential?  High production in the spring and summer will ensure… Continue reading Maximize Your Solar Potential In Spring

Investing in Solar for Your Business

Investing in Solar for Your Business In these challenging times it is easy to feel like investing in Solar for your business is a cost you cannot afford to take on. The truth is that investing in a Solar system for your business can help you with immediate cash flow. A Solar system for your… Continue reading Investing in Solar for Your Business

What Time-Of-Use Billing Means for You

What Time-Of-Use Billing Means for You How Solar + Storage can help with time-of-use billing? Our world has changed drastically in the past few months. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic many people are now experiencing work from home and home schooling for the first time. With the constant use of the internet for… Continue reading What Time-Of-Use Billing Means for You